Tuesday, June 11, 2013

To all my newbie peeps!

Ok. So this is the message that I'm going to be looking at daily when I sit down to start my Etsy work day.  I found this inspirational message on Pinterest.  But after my day yesterday, I decided to tweek it a bit by adding the pink little "Etsy" word.

Ya see, I'm just starting out on the ol' Etsy. And let me tell you it can be quite overwhelming.  Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely loving the opportunity to have my creations viewed everyday by people across the world. It's been wonderful to chat with Etsians online and find artists in my own county who are super supportive and making great work.  I love being able to create. And having my work in a place where anyone can just drop in and see it is very cool. But it's all of the "other stuff" that gets me down. By "other stuff" I mean the business side of things. It's the Facebooking and Flickring and tweetering and (no offense) keeping up with a blog.

And I wouldn't consider myself technologically obsolete. Ok, so in my younger days as a waitress, I looked so "folksy" that almost once a week someone would ask me if I was Amish and genuinely mean it. And there was that time that I had to get a new phone because it was working so slowly and the manager at the phone store explained that it was operating so poorly because the towers that were once powering my phone were no longer in existence.  So obviously, I don't keep up with the trends. When it comes down to it, all of these things are new to me!  

So yesterday, I had a bit of a break down when confronted with all of this newness. But, my blog buddies, I am back and I am determined!  I shall tweet with confidence and post with...uh I dunno, good, uh, pictures.

Is there anyone out there who is just starting out? If so, let me know how you cope!  Do you have any special tricks or routines to keep things simple? Or let me know if you just need to vent - we can be our own Etsy support team.  Let's hear it for the newbies!!!


  1. Sending you some Etsy love and encouragement! I found some similar feelings in your blog to what I have been dealing with since I started my Etsy Shop...

    I STILL don't have a system solidified yet.. I'm STILL all over the place and overwhelmed beyond belief. I believe banding together is a great idea! I'm a part of an Etsy group on Etsy Teams/Facebook Group called "Tampa Bay Etsy Crew" - if you're not joined up, do that NOW.

    All of the awesome people living in the same area encouraging and sending each other great ideas and critique (when requested) is WONDERFUL and we could use your awesomeness! ;)

    Love you babe... don't lose hope <3
    ~Elizabeth McCann
    Venjo's Stitches

    1. oh yeah - I'm feelin' the love ;) LOVE your shop by the way!! By the looks of it, it seems that you have EVERYthing together my friend. But it totally helps to know that it takes some time. I'm just trying to take one...thing...at...a...time. As a perfectionist, this can be a challenge :) But you are awesome and I am taking your advice to heart!

  2. Totally hear you - the "social marketing" can take so long there is no time left to create - and then what is the point?

    A few years ago there was a discussion about this in the old etsy forums. I liked it so much, I got permission from the seller to post it on my blog if you are curious:
    "Do The WOrk Stay Out Of The Results

    1. Stacey - I am the new #1 fan of your blog! I was reading and felt like I had found my soul sister ;) Thanks so so much for sharing. It is awesome to know that there are other newbies out there who feel the same way!

  3. Don't give up you do eventually find a balance - some days I just ignore everything and create just to restore my soul.

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement - I totally hear you and definitely going to take your advice :)Some days I'm just going to shut everything down and pick up my pencils.
